Quentin Delfosse
Machine Learning Group, Computer Science Department, TU Darmstadt. Hochschulstrasse 1, Room S1|03 077, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany
quentin (dot) delfosse (at) cs (dot) tu-darmstadt (dot) de
Meetings by appointment.

Mission. My research focuses on how Explainable Reinforcement Learning. I try to understand how knowledge is represented by agents that need to model and interact with their environments.
I am also a 3D printing enthusiast. Please find more info here.

2020 - now: Ph.D. student at the Machine Learning Lab, CS Department, TU Darmstadt, Germany
2017 - 2019: M.Sc. MoSIG in Computer Science at UGA Grenoble (Double Diploma), France
2016 - 2019: Dipl. Ing. in Computer Science at ENSIMAG Grenoble, France
2014 - 2016: Higher School Preparatory Class at Lycée Buffon Paris, France


Neural Plasticity for Deep RL

Allowing learning structure to embed high plasticity (with rationals) is crucial for dynamic RL environments.

Object Detection with Time Consistency

Using space-time consistency to better detect and understand objects.

Supervised Theses.
2021 Siyao Chen, Comic Generation with Rational Generation Model, M.Sc. Thesis, co-supervision Arseny Skryagin
2021 Maximilian Otte, Creating Emojis with Generative Adversarial Neural Cellular Automata, M.Sc. Thesis, co-supervision Johannes Czech
2021 Julius Zimmermann, Evaluation and Showcasing of Rational Functions, M.Sc. Thesis, co-supervision Patrick Schramowski
2020 Patrick Vimr, Optimizing the analysis of Rational Networks applied to Deep Reinforcement Learning-Algorithms, B.Sc. Thesis

Supervised Courses and Projects.
WS 2020/21 Quentin Delfosse, Patrick Schramowski, Improving the Rational Activation Functions library, Bachelor Praktikum