Compositional Test by Differentiable Reasoning

We briefly demostrate how we can achieve compositional test by using differentiable reasoning. Suppose we have a buliding line of products in an industrial company, and the company should check if all of the necessary parts of the products are aligned in a correct manner before sending them to customers.

We use a 3D visual environment CLEVR to demonstrate this task. Suppose we want to compose a product which should always consist of large cube and large cylinder. Namely, the following iamges show positive cases:

from IPython.display import Image

On the contrary, the following examples should be detected as negative cases, meaning that the product should be checked by humans because of the error of its compositionality of necessary parts:


We realize an efficient compositionality checker from visual information as a differentiable reasoner aided by expert knowledge.

Lanuage Definition

To start writing logic programs, we need to specify a set of symbols we can use, which is called as language.

We define language in text files in data/lang/dataset-type/dataset-name/. ### Predicates Predicates are written in preds.txt file. The format is name:arity:data_types. Each predicate should be specified line by line. For example,


Neural Predicates

Neural predicates are written in neural_preds.txt file. The format is name:arity:data_types. Each predicate should be specified line by line. For example,


Valuation functions for each neural predicate should be defined in and be registered in


Constants are written in consts.txt. The format is data_type:names. Each constant should be specified line by line. For example,


The defined language can be loaded by logic_utils.get_lang.

# Load a defined language
import sys
from src.logic_utils import get_lang

lark_path = 'src/lark/exp.lark'
lang_base_path = 'data/lang/'
lang, _clauses, bk_clauses, bk, atoms = get_lang(
        lark_path, lang_base_path, 'clevr', 'clevr-hans0')

Specify Hyperparameters

import torch
class Args:
    dataset_type = 'clevr'
    dataset = 'clevr-hans0'
    batch_size = 2
    num_objects = 6
    no_cuda = True
    num_workers = 4
    program_size = 1
    epochs = 20
    lr = 1e-2
    infer_step = 3
    term_depth = 2
    no_train = False
    plot = False
    small_data = False

args = Args()
device = torch.device('cpu')

Writing Logic Programs

By using the defined symbols, you can write logic programs, for example,


Clauses should be written in clauses.txt or bk_clauses.txt.

# Write a logic program as text
clauses_str = """
# Parse the text to logic program
from fol.data_utils import DataUtils
du = DataUtils(lark_path, lang_base_path, args.dataset_type, args.dataset)
clauses = []
for line in clauses_str.split('\n')[1:-1]:
    clauses.append(du.parse_clause(line, lang))

clauses = [clauses[0]]

Build a Reasoner

Import the neuro-symbolic forward reasoner.

from percept import SlotAttentionPerceptionModule, YOLOPerceptionModule
from valuation import SlotAttentionValuationModule, YOLOValuationModule
from facts_converter import FactsConverter
from nsfr import NSFReasoner
from logic_utils import build_infer_module, build_clause_infer_module
import torch

PM = SlotAttentionPerceptionModule(e=args.num_objects, d=11, device=device)
VM = SlotAttentionValuationModule(
            lang=lang, device=device)

FC = FactsConverter(lang=lang, perception_module=PM,
                        valuation_module=VM, device=device)
IM = build_infer_module(clauses, bk_clauses, atoms, lang,
                            m=1, infer_step=3, device=device, train=False)
CIM = build_clause_infer_module(clauses, bk_clauses, atoms, lang,
                            m=len(clauses), infer_step=3, device=device)
# Neuro-Symbolic Forward Reasoner
NSFR = NSFReasoner(perception_module=PM, facts_converter=FC,
                       infer_module=IM, clause_infer_module=CIM, atoms=atoms, bk=bk, clauses=clauses)
Pretrained  neural predicates have been loaded!

Load Data

from nsfr_utils import get_data_loader  # get torch data loader
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

train_loader, val_loader,  test_loader = get_data_loader(args)
from train import predict
acc_th = predict(NSFR, train_loader, args, device, th=0.2)
print('Accuracy: ', acc_th[0])
27it [00:22,  1.17it/s]
Accuracy:  0.9629629629629629

By performing differentiable reasoning on visual scenes, the task of compositional test can be solved efficiently by alphaILP.